Writing Information and Rubrics

  • A major goal in Kindergarten is establishing a child's ability to write independently. 
  • As the year progresses, students should progress along the continuum of spelling towards more standard spelling.  It is more important to us that students develop the ability to write with independence than spell everything correctly.  At the beginning of the year, many children will be only writing the most distinct sounds that they hear.  The more they write, the more sounds that will be added, including chunks of letters that make a sound.  We accept temporary spellings as children develop their writing proficiency.  As the children become more experienced readers and writers, their writing will include more standard spelling patterns.   
  • Like spelling, writing mechanics develop throughout the year.  Students should start sentences with a capital, use lowercase letters when needed, leave spaces between words, and end with punctuation. 
  • While we practice many styles of writing, there is a style focus that will be assessed each trimester.  Trimester one is personal narrative, trimester 2 is informational, and trimester 3 is opinion writing.