School Site Council

Introduction to SSC

      The Sycamore Canyon Elementary School, School Site Council (SSC) is a school-based decision-making organization. It is comprised of a group of individuals whose central focus is supporting the best decisions for students. The members of the council form a broad-based committee who listen to each other as well as the Sycamore's community. Our School Site Council is a resource team, which promotes trust and encourages full participation in Sycamore Canyon Elementary School and our District's activities as well as employs systematic problem solving and school improvement strategies.

Meeting Dates Agenda Minutes Documents
November 6, 2023  Agenda    
December 4, 2023       
 January 8, 2024      
February 5, 2024       
 March 4, 2024      
 May 13, 2024      



     Our School Site Council was established as required by the California Education Code. The council provides a means to improve communication from Sycamore Canyon Elementary School to the community and the community to Sycamore Canyon Elementary School. Members of the council represent various groups from within our school and community.

     The Council oversees the writing of the School Improvement Plan and assesses the effectiveness of Sycamore Canyon Elementary School's program. The School Site Council has an on-going responsibility with the principal and staff to review the implementation of the school plan, integrating the plan with expenditures from the School Improvement Funds provided by our state.

     All members (except the school principal) are elected by their peers. Members may serve up to two consecutive, two-year terms (a total of four consecutive years). They are involved in the teaching and learning process by actively participating in the meetings, observing the teaching and learning in person, representing the views of the community to the school supporting the improvement process and reviewing, recommending and acting on ideas that will increase learning for all students based on, but not limited to, establishing school improvement goals based on the evaluation of student assessment data.

2023-2024 SSC Members






1 Tylene Hicks Principal
2. Kira Duffett Teacher 2nd year
3. Suzanne Borzilleri Teacher 2nd year
4. Nicole Gilbert Teacher 2nd year
5. Denise Nenow Staff Member 2nd year
6. Mary DeMaria Parent 2nd year
7. Kimberly Hill Parent 1st year
8. Elizabeth Sage Parent 1st year
9. Marisa Gloyer Parent 1st year
 Parent/Community Member